
Why You Need an Adoption Attorney to Finalize Your Adoption

When it finally comes time to finalize your adoption, you have likely already been on a long and emotional journey. So the last thing you want is to experience any last minute bumps in the road. An adoption attorney can help your finalization go off without a hitch. Why hire an attorney who specializes in […]


Waiting Games: Adoption and Pregnancy

Having a child through pregnancy and having a child through adoption are two very different processes. However, adoption and pregnancy actually have a few things in common. Pregnancy is a time of great change. Typically, parents spend nine months preparing to bring a new life into the world, preparing to give their child the life […]


Building a Relationship Between Matching and Placement in Open Adoption

The first of many big hurdles that comes with adoption is that of matching. You find a couple, and now you wait patiently and excitedly to meet your child. But what happens in the meantime? Building a strong relationship with the couple you’ve matched with is an important step in the adoption process, and here […]

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